During 1965-2009 I taught courses in trigonometry, calculus, differential equations, numerical analysis, modern algebra, advanced geometry, set theory, logic, programming in several languages, history of mathematics, and mathematical writing. Ive directed advanced students in individual projects on foundations of geometry, category theory, algebraic methods in music theory, numerical analysis, object-oriented programming, user-interface programming, TV camera operation, and TV data editing and compression.
PC management
During 1985-1992 and 1997-2004 I helped guide my Department in acquiring personal computer equipment for faculty development, administration, and student projects. I also served as hardware/software technician and troubleshooter. During 1998-2004 I managed the Department's computing facilities, sharing that responsibility with a colleague.
For several years I served on the University's Library Advisory Committee. During 2001-2002 I conducted a study of information resources for mathematical work, and implemented a website on those resources.
I served 1993-1996 successively as Vice-Chair, Chair, and Program Chair of the Northern California Section, Mathematical Association of America, and from 1996-1999 as its representative on the national Board of Governors. I continue to serve on its Executive Board.
I also belong to the American Mathematical Society, the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung, the Canadian Mathematical Society, the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, the British Society for the History of Mathematics, the Siskiyou County Historical Society, and to Yreka Historic Preservation.
For many years I served as interviewer of applicants for admission to Harvard College. During 1989-1993 I was Vice-President for Schools of the Harvard Club of San Francisco, and helped coordinate Harvard admissions and recruiting activity in Northern California.
I speak French and German to some extent, and read technical work in those languages and Italian with facility. I am an experienced outdoorsman. A United States citizen, I was born in 1939 in Springfield, Ohio. In 1963, I married Helen Marie Patteson.
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15 November 2022