James T. Smith




2021 The Legacy of Mario Pieri in Foundations and Philosophy of Mathematics, with Elena A. Marchisotto and Francisco Rodríguez-Consuegra, Birkhäuser
2014 Alfred Tarski: Early Work in Poland--Geometry and Teaching, with Andrew and Joanna McFarland, Birkhäuser.
The Legacy of Mario Pieri in Geometry and Arithmetic, with Elena A. Marchisotto, Birkhäuser.
2000 Methods of Geometry, Wiley.
1999 C++ Toolkit for Engineers and Scientists, Second edition. Springer.
1997 C++ Toolkit for Engineers and Scientists. International Thomson Computer Press.
1992 C++ Applications Guide. Intertext/McGraw-Hill.
1991 C++ for Scientists and Engineers. Intertext/McGraw-Hill.
1989 Advanced Turbo C. Intertext/McGraw-Hill.
1988 IBM PC AT guida alla programmazione. Edited by Roberto Albanesi. Tecniche Nuova.  
1987 Getting the Most from Turbo Pascal. Micro Text/McGraw-Hill.
1986 The IBM PC/AT Programmer's Guide. Prentice Hall Press.


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15 November 2022