Second edition
Springer, 1999
This is a revised and updated edition of C++ for
Scientists and Engineers,
Intertext/McGraw-Hill 1991. The first edition of the current book was published in 1997
by International Thomson Computer Press, which went out of business. This new edition
covers exactly the same material as the 1991 book, but uses templates thoroughly in
implementing the new version of the MSP mathematical software toolkit. In addition,
exception-handling is implemented for all routines. The book contained a CD-ROM with
compiled MSP code and source code for demonstration programs. For the MSP
source code ask me to email you the contents of that CD. QA76.73.C153S654 ISBN 0-387-98797-5 For more information, click on:
Page 290, last formula, exponent of (-1) should be k + l not k + 1. (Thanks to David Sklar.)
For this book, MSP was implemented with Borland C++ Version 5.0. Since then, I have adapted MSP to the Microsoft Visual C++ Win32 Console Applications environment, porting all MSP features except hardware exception handling. The adapted source code was included on the MSP source code CD. For details of the adaptation, click here.
I'll post corrections and further updates here as I discover and implement them.
For more detail, select a chapter:
1.1 Who needs this book?
1.2 Working with software tools
1.3 This book's structure
1.4 C, C++, and Borland C++
1.5 This book's MSP software tool kit
1.6 References and further topics
2.1 Software layers
2.2 C++ minor features
2.3 Overloading
2.4 Abstract data types and classes
2.5 Member and friend functions
2.6 Constructors and destructors
2.7 Derived classes
2.8 Exceptions
3.1 MSP General module
3.2 Integer arithmetic
3.3 Floating point arithmetic
3.4 Math.H Library functions
3.5 Complex.H Library functions
3.6 Testing Library functions
3.7 Handling Math.H exceptions
3.8 Handling floating point exceptions
3.9 MSP Scalar module
3.10 MSP ElemFunc module
4.1 Preliminaries
4.2 Bisection method
4.3 Fixpoint iteration
4.4 Newton-Raphson iteration
5.1 Vector module infrastructure
5.2 Vector algebra functions
5.3 Vector module demonstration
6.1 Polynom module infrastructure
6.2 Polynomial algebra functions
6.3 Polynomial roots
7.1 Matrix module infrastructure
7.2 Matrix algebra functions
8.1 Systems of linear equations
8.2 Gauss elimination
8.3 Determinants
8.4 Gauss elimination software
8.5 General rectangular systems
8.6 Matrix inverses
8.7 Testing with Hilbert matrices
8.8 Eigenvalues
9 Iterative solution of systems of equations
9.1 Fixpoint iteration
9.2 Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods for linear systems
9.3 Newton's method for nonlinear systems
Appendix: Selected source code
A.1 Vector and matrix display output functions
A.2 MSP header files
A.3 Example mathematical function with intermediate output
A.4 Accompanying diskette
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15 November 2022