James T. Smith


Manuscript on Mathematics and Mathematica


Chapter 11


Some of these materials have been prepared by Adobe Acrobat in Portable Document File (PDF) format, and require a password to open.  You can obtain the password by emailing me at  smith@math.sfsu.edu.  If you don't have a recent copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here to download it.  (It's free.)  Acrobat(R) Reader copyright (C) 1987-2000 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Other materials are unexecuted Mathematica notebooks.  You need Mathematica to see their output.  Each is named similarly to the PDF file for one section of the chapter, and contains the code developed there, with exercise solutions and some additional tests.  These are meant to be evaluated sequentially.  Some require definitions from earlier sections.  In those cases the required definitions are included in a group of initialization cells that will be evaluated when you respond affirmatively to a question box that appears when you first try to evaluate any cell.

File  twoDG.m  is a Mathematica add-on package for enhanced two-dimensional analytic geometry calculations and line drawings, described in detail in the chapter.  To use it, place it in Mathematica's  ...\AddOns\Applications  folder.  Then any notebook can load and evaluate it with the command  Needs ["twoDG`"].  (It isn't necessary for the notebooks listed below, since they address its development.)


Contents and hyperlinks

Chapter introduction, including page counts, Chapter references, and problems remaining with the writing.
11.1 Object-oriented programming text  notebook
11.2 Manipulating points text notebook
11.3 Using graphics primitives and directives text notebook
11.4 Plot  functions text notebook
11.5 Color text notebook
11.6 Graphics options text notebook
11.7 Analytic geometry with twoDG text notebook
11.8 Analytic geometry demonstration text notebook
11.9 Finishing touches with twoDG text notebook
11.10 Multiple graphics and animation text notebook
11.11 Packaging text notebook
twoDG add-on package twoDG.m notebook format





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